Thanks to all the people who showed up in person, on stream, and purchased something, to support and cheer for us at our first one man show live! Let's kick the year off with our first blog post, and live report!
Watch the VOD on the main page NOW!
As announced, our next LIVE SHOW is the NEON ROMANTICISM, on 14.01.2021 3:30PM AEDT, at ESCAC by BRAND X - purchase tickets HERE
Message from Cocona :
Hey everyone! Cocona here! The NEON RENAISSANCE live was so much funnn, I had such an amazing time performing, dancing and singing hahahaha (also damn the adrenaline rush). Performing in front of an audience felt so different from our 1st neONLIVE, being able to make eye contact with everyone in the audience as well as getting to know you all post show was such a rewarding experience. Anyway, moral of the story, I HAD SO MUCH FUNNNNN AHHHHH. I can’t wait to meet you guys again in the next live show!!!!!! WAAAAAAA
Hope to see you guys at the next live!!! So excited!!
1. NEONnow/NEONism
2. Zenshin Zenrei Rhapsody/Kamiyado
4. 極LOVE浄土/クマリデパート [GokuLOVEJoudo/Quamali Depart]
5. tameikinosekaiwairanai/DEAR KISS
6. PEDRO/自律神経出張中 [jiritsushinkeishucchōchū]
7. Neroizm/Kairiki Bear [ネロイズム\かいりきベア]
8. Laundry/Maison Book Girl
9. Warotta People/NMB48
10. モラトリアムアクアリウム/meme tokyo. [Moratorium Aquarium/meme tokyo.]
11. Telephone/BiS
12. Orchestra/BiSH [Arrange by NEONism]
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