May 6, 2022NEONismLIVE DIGEST & REPORT - NEONism x AMUSE PROJECT - 2 INFINITY & BEYOND 13.03.2022NEONism x AMUSE PROJECT - 2 INFINITY & BEYOND - NEONism LIVE DIGEST - Our first LIVE SHOW for the year with our friends at AMUSE PROJECT!...
May 2, 2022NEONismNOTICE : NEW LIVE SHOW START TIME - 3PM - COCONA BDAY LIVE - GOLDEN SYMPHONYNEW LIVE SHOW START TIME for COCONA's BIRTHDAY LIVE - GOLDEN SYMPHONY live show on the 7th of May 2022 to the new time of {{{ 3:00PM }}}...
Apr 20, 2022NEONism~GOLDEN SYMPHONY~ COCONA BIRTHDAY LIVE 22'~~CELEBRATE COCONA'S BIRHTDAY THIS YEAR WITH US!~~ Our first one-man live back this year! Dress up fancy and party! We'll be in a special...