Our second live!! Watch the VOD on our site for a limited time on NEONismTV!!
Hi hi everyone!! It’s Miu here with the live report for NEON ROMANTICISM!! This live we debuted our new NEON official outfits!! I’ve been so excited to show everyone my pink pink ribbon outfit~~ Thank you to Lolly for bringing it to life!!
I hope everyone had a great time this live!! It was so fun talking to everyone afterwards too!! And of course I read the Twitch chat after!! Thank you for all of your support and lovely comments!! ♡♡
Since it was Valentine's day I sang Jam Jam by IU for my solo!! I had such a great time this live!! Hearing everyone’s clapping was such an energy booster and I felt so happy performing on stage!! I look forward to next time!!
1. Shukipi/=LOVE
2. 잼잼/IU [Jam Jam/IU]
3. Laundry/Maison Book Girl
4. 極LOVE浄土/クマリデパート [GokuLOVEJoudo/Quamali Depart]
5. Warotta People/NMB48
6. tameikinosekaiwairanai/DEAR KISS
7. NEONnow/NEONism
8. Telephone/BiS
9. Zenshin Zenrei Rhapsody/Kamiyado
10. Orchestra/BiSH [Arrange by NEONism]
11. モラトリアムアクアリウム/meme tokyo. [Moratorium Aquarium/meme tokyo.]
12. STUPiD/BiS
13. Inu Neko Seishun Massakari/Wa-suta [いぬねこ。青春真っ盛り/わーすた]